It is hot year-round at The Sanctuary, with a typical friendly sub-tropical climate.

summer (October – March)
Beautiful sunny days with the occasional short afternoon thunderstorm to clear the air. This is peak tourist season time and there are many visitors to the area. It is also the rainy season and there may be one or two days of light continuous rain or short,heavy, refreshing downpours.

Temperatures generally range from 28°C – 33°C with humidity between 70% and 95%.

winter (April – September)
Cooler and dryer with average daytime temperatures of 22°C – 27°C with humidity much lower than in the summer. Frequent mist and dew in the mornings.

cyclone season (January to March)
Semi-continuous wind and exceptionally high spring tides. Often cloudy with dark skies.

Annual rainfall
1 Dec 2016 – 30 N0v 2017 = 995mm to date (245 mm above average)