Over the past decade The Sanctuary has introduced large species such as Livingston’s eland, sable, blue wildebeest, kudu, nyala, bushbuck, giraffe, zebra and waterbuck. Some of these species have done remarkably well, with over 100 wildebeest and eland roaming The Sanctuary currently.

Species like red and grey duiker, suni, steenbok and bush pigs that were present in low numbers are showing pleasing population growth. Artificial water points attract game resulting in excellent game viewing areas in the vicinity of the water holes. Animal numbers, condition and herd composition are monitored by routine patrols and camera traps that provide ongoing insight into the species present and their activity patterns. Eland and giraffe, for example, can regularly be seen among the mangroves where they seem to lick salt off the leaves, and even browsing has been recorded. Challenges remain, however, as retaining ever increasing game numbers on a peninsula with a greater than four metre tidal range is challenging.

Species like zebra and eland often wander across to Linene Island and adjacent sand spits at low tide, requiring monitoring to ensure their safety. Poaching, although currently at low levels, is an ever present threat that requires constant vigilance by game scouts on patrol.